Being faithful stewards of live cattle is paramount to our ability to produce quality beef products that are derived from humanely handled livestock. 

We abide by a written Systematic Approach to Humane Handling and Slaughter program that implements the provisions found in USDA-FSIS Directive 6900.2 and of the AMI Recommended Animal Handling Guidelines and Audit Guide 2017 Edition. 

All cattle received by U.S. 212 Beef are required to pass USDA-FSIS ante mortem inspection prior to harvest. USDA-FSIS regulations stipulate that all non-ambulatory cattle must be excluded from any harvest facility and kept from entering the human food supply. We have always maintained strict compliance with all USDA-FSIS regulations. 

We’re a plant dedicated to producing safe and wholesome beef products with a focus on maintaining an environment for live cattle that meets or exceeds the highest humane livestock handling standards, whether set by our industry, our customers, or by government regulation.